Top 10 highly recommended Developers Tools in 2024

Stay ahead of the game with these top 10 must-have developer tools for 2024. Designed to boost productivity and streamline workflows, these cutting-edge programs are essential for any developer looking to take their skills to the next level.

Written By:
Alabi Mercy
Published Date:
April 2, 2023
Updated Date:
July 18, 2024


As a developer, you know that having the right tools can make all the difference in your work. With so many new technologies and platforms emerging, keeping up with the latest and most excellent tools can take time.

To help you stay on top of your game, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 highly recommended tools that are a must for developers in 2024. So whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, read on to discover the tools to help you take your development skills to the next level.

What is a Developer Tool?

A developer tool is a software application or program designed to assist developers in creating, debugging, testing, or maintaining other software applications or systems.

Various developer tools are available, which play an important role in software development, helping developers work more efficiently and effectively. The highlight of using these tools is that each of these tools is dependent on the kind of project a developer want to embark on.

What should you look out for before using a software development tool?

Before you dive into this, there are several factors you need to consider to ensure that the tool you choose is appropriate for your needs and won't cause any issues down the line.

1. Compatibility

Firstly, compatibility is essential. You need to make sure the tool is compatible with your operating system and programming language. This is because some tools may not work on certain platforms or may only support specific programming languages.

But if you do enough research and check compatibility beforehand, you can avoid the frustration of investing in a tool that doesn't work with your setup.

2. User interface

Next up, user interface is a very important aspect to consider. A complicated or confusing interface can make it difficult to be productive and cause frustration, leading to delayed project timelines.

Therefore, it's essential to check if the tool has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and use. This will help you stay focused on the task at hand and enable you to complete your project more efficiently.

3. Functionality

Functionality is also an important factor to keep in mind. Look for tools with the features and functionality you need for your specific project.

Consider whether the tool is flexible enough to adapt to your changing needs. Doing this will help you avoid the hassle of switching to a new tool midway through your project due to insufficient functionality.

4. Support and documentation

Support and documentation are also essential factors to consider. You have to know if the tool has good documentation and reliable support.

It will help you in resolving any issues that may arise during development. With reliable support and documentation, you can quickly troubleshoot any problems you may encounter and get back to work.

5. Cost

Cost is another factor to consider when choosing a software development tool. You have to check the cost of the tool and consider if it is within your budget.

Some tools may have a high initial cost but may provide long-term savings through increased efficiency and productivity. Therefore, you should weigh the costs and benefits of the tool before investing.

6. Security

Last but not least, security is a top priority when choosing a software development tool. Make sure you confirm that the tool has adequate security measures to protect your data and prevent unauthorized access. This is especially important if you're working on a sensitive information project.

Best Developers Tools

IDE/Code editors

An IDE - short for Integrated Development Environment is like an all-inclusive suite of software specifically tailored to the development process.

It's got everything you need from a code editor, with its syntax highlighting and auto indentation capabilities, to debugging tools and even build automation features; offering developers one convenient place where they can create their project from start to finish.

On the other hand, Code Editors are made for those who know exactly what needs changing in existing code or small projects that won't take too long — it provides just enough editing power without getting bogged down by extra features often found within IDEs making them fast efficient solutions when needed most.

IDEs and code editors are both essential tools in the tech world, but their differences can make all the difference when it comes to software development.

An IDE provides a powerful suite of resources for maximum efficiency - though more complex than its lightweight counterpart, the code editor.

Capable of tailoring workflows with extreme versatility and customizability, this invaluable toolbox ensures no project is too big or small for your coding needs.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a powerful and highly customizable code editor developed by Microsoft. It supports various programming languages and offers code completion, debugging, and version control integration features.

With a vibrant ecosystem of extensions, Visual Studio Code is a popular choice for developers across various industries.

Visual Studio Code is a free, open-source code editor that’s quickly become one of the most popular tools among developers. It has a sleek and intuitive interface and is loaded with features that make coding a breeze.

One of the most impressive things about Visual Studio Code is its powerful code editing capabilities, which include features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and refactoring.

It also has a robust extension marketplace, where you can find plugins to extend the editor's functionality.


  • Navigate, write, and fix your code fast
  • Debug, profile, and diagnose with ease
  • Write high-quality code with comprehensive testing tools
  • Use version control, be agile, collaborate efficiently
  • Choose from thousands of extensions to customize your IDE


Brackets is a text editor and software development tool that is designed for web development. It is an open-source tool that supports HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it includes features such as live preview, code highlighting, and code folding.

Brackets is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms, and it is often used by web developers as a lightweight alternative to more complex integrated development environments (IDEs).

Brackets has a large library of extensions that can be used to add functionality and streamline the development process. This can be particularly useful for developers who have specific needs or preferences.


  • Inline Editors
  • Live Preview
  • Preprocessor Support


IntelliJ IDEA is the leading IDE for Java and Kotlin development. IntelliJ IDEA is a powerful Java IDE that’s used by thousands of developers around the world.

It’s a great tool for developers to write, debug, and deploy Java applications. IntelliJ IDEA provides a range of features, including code completion, code inspection, and debugging tools.

It also supports a wide range of other programming languages, including Python, Ruby, and JavaScript.


  • Developer ergonomics
  • Deep code insight
  • Instant navigation and search
  • Run, test, and debug
  • Built-in tools and integrations
  • JVM frameworks


Tailwind CSS is a highly popular and powerful utility-first CSS framework that provides a comprehensive set of pre-built CSS classes that can be used to define styles and layouts for HTML elements.

Its unique focus on utility classes allows developers to create highly customized designs without having to write custom CSS code, making it easier to focus on the functionality of their application.

Tailwind CSS is highly modular and customizable, making it a popular choice for modern web development.


  • Play CDN
  • Fancy underline styles
  • Colored box shadows
  • Every color out of the box
  • Arbitrary Properties
  • Multi-column layout
  • Print modifier
  • Modern aspect ratio API
  • Stable Just-in-Time Engine
  • Native form control styling

Chakra UI

Chakra UI is the go-to React component library for creating beautiful, accessible interfaces. It comes with a broad set of prebuilt components like buttons and forms that are easy to customize in order to match your project's needs.

Plus there are tons more features built around accessibility - from ARIA attributes and keyboard navigation support baked into each element, you can be sure everyone has access no matter their abilities or disabilities!

Customize any further? Not an issue – Chakra offers plenty of flexibility through its theme provider so you don’t have to sacrifice looks nor function when crafting designs fit for today’s digital world.


  • Accessible
  • Themeable
  • Compose new components with ease
  • Light and Dark UI
  • Developer Experience
Source control


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using git. It’s used by millions of developers around the world to collaborate on projects and share code. GitHub provides a platform for developers to store and manage their code repositories, collaborate with others, and track changes to their code.

It’s also a great place to discover open-source projects and contribute to the development of those projects. GitHub is a web-based platform that offers version control and collaboration features for developers.

It is widely used for open-source projects and offers a range of features such as issue tracking, code review, and project management. With its growing popularity, GitHub is becoming an essential tool for developers in 2023.


  • Collaborative Coding
  • Codespaces for individuals
  • Automation and CI/CD
  • Project Management
  • Security
  • Client Apps
  • Team Administration


Bitbucket is a powerful version control repository that simplifies collaborating on code and meeting quality standards.

It's packed with features like pull requests, continuous integration, and code commenting that enable teams to deploy their projects faster without sacrificing any of the necessary precision.

Support for both Git & Mercurial as well as integration with popular tools make it an ideal solution for modern software development teams looking to streamline their workflows.


  • Collaborate across multiple teams
  • Ship quality code
  • Automate deployments


GitLab is the perfect tool for development teams looking to create and manage their code repositories with accuracy, speed and style.

Their state-of-the art version control system supports both the popular Git and Mercurial systems, while enabling continuous integration & deployment that allows your team to get projects into production quickly.

It also provides a range of collaboration features like commenting on code or submitting merge requests so you can easily work together as a group – all in one easy place.


  • API
  • Access Controls/Permissions
  • Activity Tracking
  • Alerts/Notifications
  • Application Security
  • Approval Process Control
  • Approval Workflow
  • Assignment Management
Workspace tools


Microsoft Teams is an all-inclusive collaboration platform that helps teams stay connected and productive. It features instant messaging, video conferencing capabilities, file sharing tools to share resources in real time - plus powerful project management functionality like task tracking and progress monitoring for extra structure!

Plus with channels dedicated to specific topics or projects within the group, it's never been easier for groups of colleagues work together on code effectively whilst ensuring quality standards are maintained.


  • Instant messaging,
  • Audio and video calling,
  • Rich online meetings,
  • Mobile experiences,
  • Extensive web conferencing capabilities.
Project management


Jira is a popular project management tool offering issue tracking, project planning, and collaboration. With its advanced features, such as agile boards and custom workflows, Jira is highly recommended for development teams that manage complex projects with multiple stakeholders.

Jira is a project management tool that’s used by thousands of organizations around the world. It’s a great tool for developers to manage projects, track issues, and collaborate with their team.

Jira provides a range of project management features, including agile boards, sprint planning, and issue tracking. It also integrates with a wide range of other tools, including GitHub, Slack, and Trello.

  • Reports and insights
  • Roadmaps
  • Scrum boards
  • Autonomy and structure
  • Customizable workflows
  • Extend with apps and integrations


Trello is a project management tool designed to help teams organize and prioritize their work. It’s an excellent tool for developers to manage projects, track progress, and collaborate with their teams. Trello provides a range of features, including customizable boards, cards, and lists.

It also integrates with many other tools, including Slack, GitHub, and Google Drive. Trello is a project management tool that’s used by thousands of organizations around the world.

Trello provides a range of project management features, including boards, lists, and cards. It also integrates with many other tools, including Slack, GitHub, and Google Drive.


  • Front-of-the-line Priority Support.
  • Multiple upgraded Workspaces under one Enterprise and the ability to share boards across them.
  • Scheduled phone support via Zoom.
  • User management dashboard for Enterprise Admins.


Notion is an all-in-one workspace that’s used by thousands of organizations around the world. It’s a great tool for developers to organize their projects, collaborate with their teams, and keep track of their work. Notion provides a range of features, including note-taking, task, and project management tools.

It also has a powerful database feature that allows you to create and manage databases of information. It’s a great tool for developers to organize their projects, collaborate with their teams, and keep track of their work.

Notion provides a range of features, including note-taking, task, and project management tools. It also has a powerful database feature that allows you to create and manage databases of information.


  • @mentions
  • API
  • Access Controls/Permissions
  • Activity Dashboard
  • Activity Tracking
  • Activity/News Feed
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Annotations
Containers Platforms


Docker is a tool that simplifies creating, deploying and running applications in containers. With Docker, developers can build and package applications with all their dependencies and run them in any environment.

This tool is highly recommended for developers with complex environments and multiple dependencies.

Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to package their applications into containers. Containers are lightweight and portable, which makes them ideal for deploying applications across different environments.

Docker provides various tools and services to help you build, manage, and deploy containers, including Docker Desktop, Docker Hub, and Docker Swarm.


  • API
  • Activity Dashboard
  • Activity Tracking
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Configurable Workflow
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Integrated Development Environment
  • Lifecycle Management


Kubernetes is the leading open-source container orchestration platform, powering applications of all shapes and sizes.

Developed by Google and maintained by CNCF, it provides powerful solutions for managing large-scale deployments with automated scheduling, service discovery and load balancing.

Plus its flexibility enables users to run on cloud or hybrid environments ensuring updates can be made quickly without interruption.


  • API
  • Access Controls/Permissions
  • Activity Dashboard
  • Alerts/Notifications
  • Application Management
  • Automatic Backup
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Configuration Management


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform thousands of organizations use worldwide. It’s a great tool for developers to deploy their applications, store data, and manage their infrastructure.

AWS provides various services, including computing, storage, and database services. It also has a rich ecosystem of third-party services and tools that you can use to extend the platform's functionality.


  • Access Controls/Permissions
  • Alerts/Notifications
  • Automatic Backup
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Data Capture and Transfer
  • Data Dictionary Management
  • Data Migration
  • Data Recovery


With Microsoft Azure, you can unlock the power of cloud computing to store and transform your data like never before. It's a comprehensive platform that puts control into your hands with access to resources provided by one of tech's most innovative companies.


  • API
  • API Design
  • API Lifecycle Management
  • Access Controls/Permissions
  • Active Directory Integration
  • Activity Dashboard
  • Activity Management
  • Activity Tracking

Google Cloud

With Google Cloud, app resources are a breeze to create and manage. Their client libraries provide powerful API access for supported languages like Node - helping you easily take advantage of everything the cloud can do.


  • Activity Monitoring
  • Alerts/Escalation
  • Application Management
  • Audit Management
  • Automated Scheduling
  • Backup and Recovery


Figma is a web-based design and prototyping tool that allows designers and developers to collaborate and create user interfaces, graphics, and animations.

It offers advanced features such as vector networks, plugins, and real-time collaboration, making it a popular tool for design teams With Figma, designers can create and share designs with other team members in real time, allowing for efficient collaboration and feedback.

Figma also offers tools for creating responsive designs, animations, and interactive prototypes, making it a valuable tool for user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) designers. One key feature of Figma is its vector network tool, which allows designers to create complex vector graphics and illustrations effortlessly. Figma also offers a range of plugins that will enable designers to extend the tool's functionality and integrate it with other design and development tools.


Postman is a popular tool for testing APIs and building APIs. It offers a user-friendly interface for sending HTTP requests and allows developers to create and share collections of API requests.

With its advanced features, such as automated testing and documentation generation, Postman is highly recommended for developers with APIs. It’s a great tool for developers to create APIs quickly and easily and test them to ensure they work correctly.

Postman provides a range of features, including support for RESTful APIs, automated testing, and API documentation generation.

  • Workflow Control
  • Collaboration Features
  • Monitors for Regression Testing
  • Collection-Level Information
  • The Postman API


Slack is a team communication platform that’s used by thousands of organizations around the world. It’s a great tool for developers to stay in touch with their team and to quickly and easily share ideas and feedback.

Slack allows you to create channels for specific projects or teams and provides a range of communication options, including direct messaging, group messaging, and voice and video calls.

It also integrates with a wide range of other tools, including GitHub, Trello, and Google Drive.


  • Channels
  • Slack Connecy
  • Huddles
  • Clips
  • Messaging


Developers need many tools to stay on top of trends and deliver high-quality code. The tools listed above are highly recommended for developers in 2023 and offer features such as code editing, version control, testing, project management, and communication.

By leveraging these tools, developers can increase productivity, collaboration, and innovation. So having the right set of tools can make all the difference for developers. These top 10 highly recommended tools are a MUST for developers in 2023, and they provide a range of features and tools to help you be more productive, efficient, and successful in your work.

From terminals and code editors to cloud computing platforms and social media platforms, there’s a tool for every need and preference. So go ahead and try them out, and see how they can help you take your development skills to the next level!


1. How do I determine whether a software development tool is compatible with my programming language and operating system?

To determine the compatibility of a software development tool with your programming language and operating system, check the system requirements provided by the developer, look for reviews and feedback from other developers, and reach out to the support team or customer service for more information.

It's important to ensure compatibility before investing in a tool to avoid delays and productivity issues.

2. Are there any software development tools that can help with collaboration and project management?

There are several software development tools that can help with collaboration and project management, such as Jira, Trello, Asana, Slack, GitHub, and GitLab. The best developer tools for your team will depend on your specific needs and project requirements.